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Donor Dollars at Work – Enthermics IV Fluid Warmers
Donor Dollars at Work The convenient Enthermics ivNow® fluid warmers quickly heat and maintain safe temperatures of intravenous and irrigation fluids while saving space and staff time. They improve processes and recovery time by efficiently warming patients from...
Donor Dollars at Work – Flexmort CuddleCot
Tragically, the Bonnyville Health Centre sees 1-2 babies born still per year. 1 in 4 of our pregnancies result in miscarriage, and 30% end in fetal loss. With your donations, we were able to fund $4668.00 for the purchase of a Flexmort CuddleCotTM in our facility....
Pink Shirt Day Success!
Thank you to everyone who purchased Pink Shirt Day t-shirts, and to Thinkwerx for supporting the Tyler Chislett Memorial Fund. $1,000 was raised for this initiative and donated to the fund!
Congratulations Coralee Poltorak, our 50/50 Raffle Winner
Thank you everyone who purchased 50/50 tickets and helped us SELL OUT. We hope to bring you another 50/50 soon!
Annual Gala Statement
We have made the difficult decision to officially change our plans from an indoor Gala which focuses on raising funds to an outdoor, summer BBQ event where we will focus on providing our thanks and acknowledgement to hospital staff for the sacrifices they have made and the important work they do.
Online 50/50 raffle!
We are very excited to launch our first online 50/50 raffle! Find all the details and securely purchase here E-Transfers can be accepted. Call our administration office at 780.826.8265 or email to inquire. Proceeds from this raffle...
Annual Campaign
The Bonnyville Health Foundation’s support of our hospital extends throughout the year. We respond to those areas of need in the hospital, with dollars raised from the community. We are excited to be able to offer donors the ability to donate to our worthwhile cause...